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Corona lockdown could drop 23.8 million children out of school, IN says.
Corona lockdown could drop 23.8 million children out of school, IN says.
5:01 PM 0
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned that the Corona epidemic has disrupted the teaching process, with 23.8 million children in 180 countries dropping out of school.
According to the World News Agency, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres in a statement expressed concern over the suspension of teaching during the Corona epidemic, saying that measures taken in more than 160 countries Has caused major disruptions and so far many owners have not announced a school opening date.
The UN Secretary-General added that more than 40 million children worldwide could not begin their first school year because of the Corona epidemic. It is a tragedy that can affect generations by threatening inequality and development in society.
Even before the Corona epidemic, General Secretary Guterres warned that we are at a critical juncture in terms of youth and children, and that the impact of government and parental measures on millions of young people will be long lasting. Will be formed and will play a role in the development of countries for decades.
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