Is it okay to pull and break white hair?
2:14 PM 0
By the way, this is a question that many people are eager to know the answer to, especially those who hide the whiteness of their hair in color.
By the way, know that graying of hair or loss of natural color is a natural process that everyone faces as they age.
According to Harvard University, hair color at the beginning of life is black, red or golden, but with age, the process of color formation in the hair roots does not remain as active as before and the hair color changes naturally, ie black. Instead of hair, white hair appears from below.
There is a strong possibility that new hair that grows after the age of 35 will have a predominance of whitening and that genes play a role in this onset.
In other words, if the hair starts to turn white during the fourth decade of life, then in most people it is not premature but a natural process in terms of age.
Most people's hair turns white with age, but sometimes it is a sign of a condition, especially if it occurs in adolescence, such as vitamin B12 deficiency, thyroid disease, heart disease and Bone weakness also increases the risk, but the cause is still unclear, while smoking also increases the chances of silver appearing in the hair at a young age four times.
Now if someone pulls and breaks the white hair, then it is necessary to look at its root, that is, if it is white from the bottom, then it is fine, but it is red, then it means that you have pulled the hair from the part of the blood supply. But it is unlikely to grow again.
Similarly, if the hair has been pulled and broken, its replacement hair may remain inside the skin, which also increases the risk of infection.
Simply put, if you pull and break a hair, it is more likely that it will not grow back, and getting used to it can result in an accelerated rate of hair loss.
By the way, the best solution is to leave the hair as it is, but if you do not like white, they can be dyed or try other homemade tips that are quite effective.
Tags Health
Info Miska
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